Capital Credits


在2023年9月的董事会例会上, the decision was made to retire all capital credits from 1998 (and earlier), which totals $7.1 million. 所有退款将在2024年1月底前发放.

我们一直从G那里获得能量.V.E.A. 自1983年以来,已连续13年获得资本抵免. This has been really helpful in offsetting our annual electric costs and we appreciate the fact that the credits arrive in winter when monthly costs are higher. 我们是G的骄傲成员.V.E.A. Coop!——简·吉布森,GVEA会员38年.


  • 退款100美元或以上的会员将收到支票
  • 支票将在一月底前开出
  • Active members with refunds of less than $100 will have a credit adjustment posted to their November billing statement
  • The line description on the statement will indicate which year the refund ties to, 以及相关的帐户/推荐十大正规网赌平台位置跟踪号
  • Former members will be issued checks if balances exceeded $25 or if their balance of under $25 has been held for 5 years
  • GVEA在档案中有一个当前的邮寄地址是非常重要的, 这样资金抵免退款就能寄给你了

如果您有可用的资本信贷,请填写并提交我们的 资本信贷申请表格 我们会尽快给你答复. 如果你有任何其他资信问题,你可以打电话 (907) 451-5625 or toll-free at (800) 770-4832, or 电子邮件GVEA资本信用.



Because GVEA is a cooperative, owned by its members, it doesn’t technically earn profits. 相反,如果收入超过了经营成本(即.e. 尽管如此,该合作公寓还是获得了“利润”.“每年的利润都是赚来的, GVEA成员会分到一部分利润, which are in proportion to the amount of electricity each member purchased during that year. 这些部分被称为资本信贷.

我的邻居收到了资本信贷退款,但我没有. Why?


  • The account was only in a roommate’s or a former spouse’s name; refunds are issued to the individual whose name(s) is on the account for that particular year’s refund.
  • 你住在费尔班克斯市中心, 直到1997年还由费尔班克斯市管理

If neither of these scenarios applied to you, contact us, and we’ll research it.


可以把资本信贷分配想象成储蓄债券. 类似于储蓄债券是对美国的贷款.S. 帮助减少我们政府的借款需求, GVEA capital credits help reduce our co-op’s borrowing needs for such projects as building a substation or replacing power poles or lines. 就像储蓄债券在一段时间后到期一样, capital credits are retired and refunded to you after a period of 25 years.


Allocated capital credits are the amounts assigned to each member who was billed for service during a year in which margins were earned. 而学分是分配给成员的, they are retained by the co-op for a period of time – 25 years – and are used as capital, 从而减少GVEA的借款需求. 分配的资本信用反映了你在GVEA的所有权. When capital credits are eventually retired, GVEA will then issue refunds.


在GVEA盈利的一年里, the amount of capital credits that are allocated to you is based on the total amount you were billed for electricity during that year. The more electricity you purchase, the greater your capital credits allocation. The sum of your monthly bills for a year is multiplied by a percentage to determine your capital credits allocation. That percentage varies from year to year, depending on the amount of margins earned in a given year. GVEA issues an allocation letter each year to our members notifying them of their portion of the prior year’s margins.


For residential electric accounts, capital credits are generally not taxable. 针对企业(包括租金), 根据美国国税局的指导方针, members receiving capital credits checks in excess of $600 are required to complete the IRS W-9 Form (PDF). We suggest seeking the advice of a tax professional for specific questions.


The capital credit refunds allocated to a deceased member may be issued without waiting for a general retirement. 然而,这些遗产支付不是自动的. A representative of the estate must provide proof that the person requesting the refund has been appointed by a court, 遗产执行人或管理人(例如.g. the Letters Testamentary or Statement Appointing Personal Representative), 还有一份死亡证明的复印件. 将向遗产管理人签发一张退款支票. The refunded amount will be reduced to reflect the early retirement of the capital credits.


资本抵免的退款或“退休”不是自动的. The GVEA Board of Directors must specifically authorize the retirement of capital credits after considering the financial impact on the co-op. 1992年以前的资本贷记, plus 25% of 2016, 是否属于2017年12月退休的最新资本抵免. Active members whose refunds were $100 or less received a credit on their bill. Checks were mailed to active and non-active members who had refunds greater than $100. 非活跃会员, however, 支票不得少于25美元, or for five years, 以先发生者为准. It’s strongly recommended that non-active members keep a current mailing address on file with GVEA.